• By : DarkPhoenix
  • : 01/07/2023

Red Dead Redemption was rated in South Korea again yesterday, sparking rumours of a remaster or remake. Leakers claimed that GTA 4 and RDR remasters were in development but these were allegedly shelved following the poor reception to the GTA Trilogy. However, according to Rockstar-dedicated news reporter Ben (@videotechx), RDR's website domain was updated on May 26, coinciding with the new rating--something is cooking behind the scenes.

Red Dead Redemption 2 was the open-world masterpiece of the current generation, but the original Red Dead was the recipe for success that it was built upon.With the sequel’s success, there was a renewed interest in the classic 2010 game, both from those who had played it at the time, and those new to the series. Although it is still playable, it’s not exactly up to modern gaming standards, from a technical perspective.

But, that could easily be resolved with a remastered version – something now the subject of rumor and speculation, thanks to a new age rating for the game.

Red Dead age rating sparks remaster rumors
On June 15, it was noticed that the age rating authority in South Korea had granted Red Dead Redemption a new age rating – specifically “Not available for minors”.But, the rating itself is not what got people talking. Rather, it’s simply the fact there is a new age rating at all. It has immediately sparked questions about whether Rockstar is gearing up for some sort of new release, specifically a remaster.

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